Body Confidence Queen
Unlock your courage and boost your body image with Body Confidence Queen. This go-at-your-own pace course teaches you the three critical components of the body confidence equation: boundaries, baby steps, and body awareness.
Discover the secrets behind taking courageous action and the everyday activities that will help you improve your body image. Develop a personalized practice you can return to again and again to get out of those bummer body days—no more apologetic body vibes! Your new attitude about your body is “you’re welcome, world!” If you want to take up space and shine your light without giving a nary fuck, this course is for you.
3 modules, each with video concept lessons and printable supplemental materials
Establish your Arena
Call in your Courage
Embrace your Angles
Bonus: Fully Embodied Spotify Playlist
Bonus: I Am Supported guided meditation
20% off for members of Fully Embodied Babe Club